Travel Ed was established in 2019 to deliver experiences and programmes for education groups, and over recent years, we have expanded into providing tours for travellers coming to our beautiful region, the Bay of Plenty.

As our demand for tourism and traveller experiences grew, we developed a subsidiary brand called Mana Māori Experiences. These experiences are uniquely designed for those looking for guided tours and experiences with a Māori lens and delivered by tangata whenua (people of the land).

Travel Ed remains the parent company and is solely focussed on delivering the education programmes and services.

We are a whānau (family) business whose philosophy centres on Mā te Mahi, Ka Mārama | Discover by Doing. Discovery is a lifelong process; we never stop discovering in authentic, real-world contexts. 

Central to Travel Ed and Mana Māori Experiences are the ancient stories of knowledge obtained from the heavens by the gods Tāwhaki and Tāne.

Travel Ed represents the acquisition of the three baskets of knowledge from the heavens

Mana Māori Experiences shows Tāwhaki and Tāne as kaitiaki (guardians) of the mana (binding status) of the knowledge

Les Millard Managing Director, Founder of Travel Ed & Head Guide.

(MA Education, BEd, Dip Teaching, Trained Teachers Certificate)

Les Millard, Managing Director and Founder, Travel Ed

Les’ Māori ancestry lies within the tribes from Tauranga to Whakatāne along the Bay of Plenty coastline and Waikato and King Country.

during his working life, Les enjoyed many international roles including the International Baccalaureate Diploma Consultant, School Visiting Team Leader and Examiner, international schools accredition team member, World Rugby Educator and Citing Commissioner.

After travelling the world as an educator, Les returned home in 2017 working as the Director of Educational Programming for an American-based international student travel company. His passion for sharing his Māori culture and history inspired him to set up Travel Ed in 2019.

Les has never looked back and is now a renowned and respected guide across the coastal Bay of Plenty, known for his wealth of knowledge and storytelling.

Our guiding principles

In the Māori world there are eight pou (pillars) that Travel Ed and Mana Māori Experiences draws from as central guiding principles:

    • Manaakitanga (care for each other)

    • Hau Ora (personal wellbeing)

    • Hinengaro (mental wellbeing)

    • Tiakitanga (care for the environment)

    • Rangatiratanga (developing leadership)

    • Whakawhānaungatanga  (working together) 

    • Turangawaewae (our place in the world) 

    • Wairuatanga (spiritual wellbeing)                                                                                

We are proud of our culture, and are excited to contribute to an Aotearoa that is based on cultural knowledge and understanding. 

Our Commitment to our future generations

We are committed to embracing the Tiaki Promise and Sustainable Tourism. From every educational the programme we run, Travel Ed donates to Summerhill Park environmental maintenance, Trees That Count, The Elms Te Papa (Tauranga), plus other service projects that enhance local communities.

The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now, and for future generations. By following the Tiaki Promise, you are making a commitment to act as a guardian, protecting and preserving our home.

The Sustainable Tourism vision is to Lead the World in Sustainable Tourism - Toitū te taiao, toitū te tāpoi. E kōkiri ana e Aotearoa.

 Our Partners

We regualrly parnter with a number of small Māori operators who offer a wide range of hands-on activities based on their own cultural knowledge and strengths e.g. experts in the forests, the rivers and sea heritage. These operators have spent their lives in these environments and are excited to share what they have with you. We all believe that we learn best by active and collaborative involvement rather than passive participation.

Schools and Service/Volunteer programmes

Contact us to discuss how we can provide curriculum-linked experiences that enhance classroom learning. We offer expertise in service projects that are meaningful and authentic for students and the community.

If you would like to know more, then please call us on
+64 22 049 4465 or email